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Heart-rate training is a hot topic among endurance athletes. And I believe for good reason, it’s a great way to stop focusing on pace and start focusing on how your body is reacting to the workout. Zone 4 heart rate training doesn’t get discussed very often, so we’re going to dive in to it today to help you better understand the when and why of using it.
You’ve likely seen the HR metric on your smartwatch or fitness tracker, and maybe you even know that you should be using this metric as part of your training plan.
But do you really know what heart rate training zones are? Are heart rate zones actually important? And why is zone 4 heart rate so important?
Understanding and knowing how to train in your heart rate zones is a great way to improve your performance. If you’re aiming to increase your speed or going for a PR, you’re going to want to understand how to use this metric to your advantage.
Before we can talk about zone 4 and how to train in the threshold zone, you’ll need to understand the different heart rate zones and how they affect your workouts. Since I’ve talked about this in depth before, just a quick primer and then on to Zone 4 HR Training.