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Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members!
>”,”name”:”in-content-cta”,”type”:”link”}}”>Download the app.
Let me share an experience I had that might sound familiar to you. One day I planned to run 10 x 300m at 1500m pace. Normally, it wouldn’t have been a problem. This time, at the end of the ninth rep, my calf was tight. But there was only one more to go. How tough could that be? More importantly, how big a wimp would I be if I pulled out with only one left?
So, I ran. And pulled the calf. A six-week setback, all because my ego told me to run that last repeat, when my body was saying “maybe not.”
The details may be different, but I’m sure you’ve endured a similar scenario: you set out to do a workout, get 90 percent or more of the way through, and realize you should probably quit. Then comes the consequence.
Fast-forward a few years when I’m coaching an elite marathoner, just starting to come into her prime. She’s running a string of 400s, and looking good. Then, 100m…