As you will have seen in our previous articles, leg work is a vital part of training.
Competitive swimmers vary the amount of leg work they do according to the training period. For example, if we look at the first part of the season (winter macrocycle) lasting 12-16 weeks, the percentage of the overall training volume devoted to the legs varies
over that period:
- first four weeks (returning to training): approximately 60-80% of overall training volume
- eight-ten weeks (general/special): approximately 25-40% of total training volume
- two-three weeks (specific): approximately 15-20% of overall training volume
Leg work can be included in training at any time, obviously with different aims in mind.
As part of your “warmup”:
- generally 300-400 m swimming 25 fs/25 legs favourite style/25 how you like
As part of preparation for a “legs set” in order to check the position of your body and “core”:
- 3 sets X
25 butterfly legs on back, 15” rec.
50 any style, 20” rec.
25 fast legs, 15” rec.
As main training focusing on your rhythm and pace:
- 6×50 fastest pace possible, 20” rec. or 10×25 sprint in 60” or 2×100 flat out with full recovery
As part of a “swim set”:
- 200 medley with 20” rest
8×25 (1x fast legs 1x full sprint) 15”…