Understanding the Maffetone Method | 13 Years Experience


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Using heart rate for training doesn’t have to be complex and can indeed help you learn how to truly run EASY on your easy days to improve endurance. Low Heart Rate training, also know as the Maffetone Method is a system I started following in 2011 and have seen many PR’s for myself and runners we coach as a result.

What if marathon training didn’t leave you feeling like you needed a nap every day of the week?

What if long runs didn’t make you so ravenous you cleaned out the pantry every Sunday?

What if you could get faster and leaner without running yourself ragged?

I’ve seen a number of people post about the Maffetone Method who have never tried it and definitely never coached someone in using it. So please be aware of who is providing the information that’s guiding your training.

Having coached thousands of runners, I actually use a slightly different version simply called Low Heart Rate Training. The main difference is we know better when it comes to fueling with carbs and that we MUST strength train.

What is the Maffetone Method of Training?

Many of you have asked for more details to decide if the Maffetone Method is a good fit for your training. For many of you…

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