If you’re thinking about starting to compete in triathlons, it’s important for you to understand that the fatigue of your workouts won’t be your only issue.
Triathlon is an intense consuming sport, and being such, you have to take into consideration the different aspects of your life that might have to be less prioritised, including that of your family.
With that in mind, I’m going to give you some tips that will help you approach preparing for a triathlon in the most serene way.
#1 Everything has a price
Triathlon is a very expensive sport. While in swimming your budget has to cover the cost of your swim-suit and some equipment, in triathlon you have to buy a bike, shoes, running shoes, on top of all the things you need for swimming. Make sure that you have the economical resources to invest in good equipment without it weighing on your family!
#2 Your diet matters
When you start to work-out seriously and constantly, it will become fundamental to combine your workouts with a correct diet: this could mean a change in lifestyle and habits which don’t always match the needs of your family members. Make sure that your partner accepts the novelties which will allow them to give you the necessary support. That means not only at the dinner table but…