The Results in 1-2-3 Back Workout


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Have you ever left a significant other alone in a room to build a piece of furniture, only to come back a few hours later to find the instructions discarded, a few “extra” screws set aside, and a finished product that . . . gulp, well, looks like it kinda might be OK?

I mean, maybe not “put-a-baby-down-to-sleep-in-it,” but heck, somehow someway, it turned out all right. Maybe even after a few weeks of daily use, you find out that it’s holding up surprisingly well. (Hint: Don’t ever actually admit this fact to them, or they’ll never read an instruction manual again.)

Thing is, workouts can be a little like that, as well. Sometimes tossing aside the official instructions and trying something new can yield results that you may not have expected but you can sure appreciate.

In the following back…

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