The 14 most important things I’ve learnt about road cycling –


This month, I’m celebrating my 14th anniversary of road cycling so I’m sharing the 14 most important things I’ve learnt about road cycling. When I decided to sign-up for a charity road bike 14 years ago I had no idea where it would lead me, and continues to lead me. Every time I think I’ve got enough riding mates I find some more, and they (particularly Sarah) challenge me to try different things and make the most of the joy of riding.

Riding makes me fit

The past 14 years have been my fittest ever. Before I took up riding I tried various forms of exercise like gym membership, aerobics classes, jogging and power walking but it wasn’t until I started riding a road bike regularly that I could truly claim to be fit for an entire 14 years. My fitness levels have gone up and down over those years but overall I’ve had my fittest years yet.

Riding helps me connect socially

In 14 years I’ve met hundreds of cyclists, many of whom are now my closest friends. These hundreds of people live in my local area but I’ve also found new friends around Australia and overseas. Cycling is a great leveller, it enables people of different backgrounds to come together and focus on the common love of riding. I’ve read many articles that espouse the benefits of…

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