Woe is the wallet of the outdoor enthusiast. High-quality gear typically comes with a high price tag. But if money isn’t an object, investing in Arc’Teryx gear is often your best move. The brand’s outerwear is consistently bomber, the insulators toasty, and hell, even the base layers are so cozy I’ll wear them for days on end.
But affording Arc’teryx’s top-of-the-line equipment and apparel can be tough, even if you factor in the investment’s ruggedness and expected longevity. Arc’Teryx’s site doesn’t have any discounts right now, but our team of Arc’Teryx aficionados hunted down some late-season savings on some of our favorite winter gear at REI and Evo. Our bounty? 10 serious sales on investment-worthy Arc’Teryx products. If you’re in the market for a new ski jacket, bibs, or even a pair of trail runners, check out the sales below and score Arc’Teryx finds for cheap(er).
Arc’Teryx Men’s Sabre Pants for $340 ($550)
Arc’teryx’s Sabre line is consistently rated highly by gear reviewers and customers. It’s some of the best outerwear in…