Virtually every woman, when looking in the mirror, sees thousands of faults and is often at war with her own reflection, and trying to please yourself every day can become a challenge. A few simple steps would be enough to improve our perception, counteracting those little imperfections that annoy us: cellulite, water retention, loss of tone. These are most often caused by an incorrect and sedentary way of living. So hand in hand, with a balanced diet, we can devote ourselves to many activities in the pool, dynamic and fun, that also have the benefit of making us more beautiful.
Cellulite’s days are numbered with freestyle and breaststroke
It is one of the most painful marks for women, concerning more or less everything, regardless of weight and fat mass. It is the hated cellulite, aka panniculopatia edematofibrosclerotica (P.E.F.S.), so called because it comes from an alteration of the adipose membrane, subcutaneous tissue rich in fat cells. It passes through three stages, the last of which is also the most serious: it sometimes presents painful nodules, increases dilated capillaries and can even appear as bruises on the skin that take on the typical “mattress” aspect. Total regression at this stage is no longer possible, but the situation may…