Swimming has many benefits both physical and psychological. It is a complete sport, suitable for all ages and is useful for increasing muscle tone, strengthening bones and even the skeletal system.
The topic “swimming and back pain”, however, deserves a separate chapter, in order to avoid any confusion and risk of worsening your physical condition.
We must recognize that swimming is not always good for the back and water activities must be approved by a doctor. Let’s find out when swimming is really good for our backs.
Lower back pain and scoliosis: the most common problems
Pain in the spinal column affects many people (about 80% of the population has suffered from this at least once in their life) and can be very limiting and disabling. The cause of lower back pain is most often due to a prolonged and incorrect use of the spine due to overexertion or inadequate posture.
In these cases, swimming alone is not enough to solve back problems which, indeed, may get worse if the swimming approach is not correct. For example, when swimming in breaststroke, during the phase of respiration, movements are performed that are not suitable for you if you suffer from lumbar lordosis, because they may exacerbate the unnatural curvature of the spine.
In cases…