Swim Snorkel Pro is the latest development on the more conventional Swim Snorkel. Designed for more experienced swimmers, its hydrodynamic design guarantees exceptional stability at high speeds. This feature not only allows you to maintain an efficient swimming technique, it also guarantees an efficient swimming style in workouts focusing on developing strength in the water.
Swim Snorkel Pro features two different types of “caps” to prevent air from flowing in, so that you can adjust your training intensity; less air enters through the smaller cap to make your workouts more intense. This can be used for three different types of exercises: so-called “relaxed speed” training (i.e. swimming at a steady pace with slow and shallow breathing), for developing the muscles of your diaphragm and for working in hypoxia.
Let’s see how we can use it to improve our training in the water.
1. Power Sprints.
– Swim with clenched fists with as fast a stroke rate as possible. Swim 8 x 15 m freestyle without breathing or 8 x 15 m backstroke arms using a pullbuoy with 30” recovery.
– Swim with paddles without pushing off the ends…