Six tips for riding on wet roads and in the rain –


My hometown of Sydney Australia is an awesome place to live and most of the time we have great bike riding weather but we’re now suffering our way through our third La Nina weather occurrence which brings loads of rain, so I find that I’m currently riding on wet roads and in the rain. While I never go out for a ride if it’s already pouring, I have on occasion been caught in a downpour and had to continue riding. So whether you are keen to keep riding no matter the conditions, or like me you occasionally get caught, here are a few tips for riding in the rain:

Increase visibility

Possibly the worst part about riding in the rain is a major decrease in visibility. It is hard for other people to see you, particularly drivers and it’s harder for you to see others.

So turn on your lights to flashing mode, wear bright or light-coloured clothing, and be aware that drivers are going to have even more trouble seeing you. Depending on the conditions you may also need to take off your glasses and put them in your pocket because they will fog up.

Wear appropriate gear

If you go out when it’s already raining, or if you know there’s a high chance of rain wear waterproof, or at least water-resistant gear. In my experience, nothing will keep you dry but…

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