There’s the old myth that you can cure that hangover and get that alcohol out of your system faster simply by getting your sweat on, be it going for a run or hitting the gym. So should you run with a hangover??
Feeling queasy, battling headaches, or suffering from dehydration and fatigue might be the aftermath of a night of overindulgence.
Working out while hungover sounds terrible. Then again, I admit it’s been a real long time since I’ve had that sensation…yup definitely my early 20’s while training for a first marathon.
As for exercising with a hangover, it’s a personal choice based on how you’re feeling. Everyone reacts differently. However, it’s essential to understand the potential risks and rewards. There are also tried-and-tested methods to aid recovery after going a bit too hard.
Does Exercise Help a Hangover?
As already mentioned, you absolutely can workout with a hangover. No one will stop you but yourself.
Studies have shown that being hungover doesn’t seem to impair strength or even short-term endurance.
However, there hasn’t been much investigation into longer duration exercise. I found an interesting study that did examine this with not unexpected results.
The study compared two groups of hikers hiking a gorge. One group had hangovers from a…