Saudi Arabia launch bid campaign for 2034 World Cup


The Saudi Arabian Football Federation (SAFF) has officially launched its bid campaign to host the men’s World Cup in 2034.

Saudi Arabia was confirmed as the sole candidate to host the tournament in October, after Australia decided not to bid.

SAFF has now begun its campaign which includes the unveiling of its bid logo and official website.

Under the slogan “Growing. Together”, SAFF says its bid seeks to highlight the parallel between Saudi Arabia’s rapid development and the transformative potential of hosting the World Cup while the logo is made up of intertwined rows of multi-coloured ribbons, displaying football and cultural symbols.

Much like 2022 host Qatar, Saudi Arabia’s human rights record has come under intense scrutiny as has the country’s treatment of women and its view on same-sex relationships.

Mass executions, for a variety of crimes, are still common and critics of the government face house arrest, imprisonment and even torture while the conditions the vast migrant worker population live and work in have been heavily criticised as they were in Qatar.


Saudi Arabia to host 2034 World Cup – what does it mean for wider world of football?

Human Rights Watch’s director of global initiatives, Minky Worden, said in October: “With Saudi Arabia’s…

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