Running Shoe Rotation Guide (How Many Shoes You Need?)


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Huffing and puffing along side running group buddy Denny (yes the over 6’6, 75 year old who kicks my butt), we started chatting about being the only two in the group sporting some kickin’ Hokas. He may or may not have laughed at how bright mine were as I pondered why he went with the all white option, but we both agreed they were both necessary for our running shoe rotation.

As the miles progressed and the conversation veered this way and that like the path, we found ourselves back to the topic of running shoes.

Both proclaiming that one of the keys to staying injury free was multiple pairs of running shoes!

Listen up, if this man can run marathons injury free at 75, for MANY YEARS on end, it’s sound advice!

Do you really need an excuse to buy a new pair of running shoes??

Of course.

Let me help you justify it to anyone who might ask why your current plethora needs another friend {it’s like finding a stray kitten, you want to cuddle them all}.

How Many Running Shoes Should I Have?

Most runners need a minimum of two pairs of running shoes. Though this is a trick question because you can’t have too many.

But if you’re running at least 4 days a week a minimum of 2 pairs,…

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