Running Easy to Go Faster


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By Kimberly Clark

What’s the quickest way to take your running to the next level? Slow down those easy runs.

It’s so simple, yet seemingly so hard for so many of us. I don’t know if it’s lack of understanding of what is truly easy running, or pace embarrassment, or what— but too many of us are running too hard on our easy runs and accidentally sabotaging our running potential.

Easy running allows us to build aerobic fitness and to recover from our workload so that by the time that next workout comes along, we are ready to crush it.


What is Easy Running?

It’s whatever actually feels completely easy to you. No, you don’t need a formula or to run a certain pace. It’s freeing because you don’t have to worry about any metrics, you just get to tune in and listen to your body! So simple, right. But really running IS that simple.

But the problem with this for a lot of people, is that for too long we…

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