Teach a runner a quote and he’s set for the next workout. Teach a runner the tools to create positive running affirmations specific to their situation and they’ll eat for life. Wait, I think I’m mixing metaphors. It’s true though, right?
You pull up your Instagram, there’s an amazing quote that fires you up and reminds you that you CAN do this.
You start running and within minutes that fire has been dowsed with a fire hose of reality…this shat is hard.
Complete and utter system meltdown and that quote hasn’t even crossed your mind again, let alone pushed you forward. Running is mental.
The hard runs, the good runs, the days you just can’t get enough, it’s all driven by our emotions and thoughts.
Developing an affirmation, or mantra, you can call on when it feels like someone peed on your cornflakes can truly turn around a hard run.
It won’t magically become easier, but the way you feel about the struggle will and that relaxation often leads to better race day, better speed workout, better long run…happier runner.
What are Running Affirmations?
Statements that we repeat over and over through the many months of training and on race day, which work their way in to our subconscious.
Through that consistent repetition we begin to believe in their truth and…