Runner Krissy Moehl On How to Embrace Getting Older


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“I’m not afraid of getting older, I’m afraid of not being able to run,” says ultra runner Krissy Moehl. “That’s a great motivator to do the things I need to do to keep my body healthy and able to run.”

Despite a storied resume that includes victories at many of the world’s most competitive ultras, Moehl’s relationship with running is purely and wholly intrinsic, seemingly leaving no space for unwanted feelings and maladaptive motivators that too often pollute others’ running. Since she began running 31 years ago, she’s had one overarching goal: to keep running. Her laser focus on consistency and longevity has guided her healthy relationship with running, most recently including how to manage getting older as a runner.

“I’m 43 years old now, and my body doesn’t fully recover from injuries anymore,” says Moehl. “Now, it’s about managing my body. That management over time is how I’d…

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