Polar OH1+ Review | Most Ideal HR Monitor


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For over a decade I’ve been utilizing heart rate on my runs and thus testing out GPS watches, chest straps and more to find accurate readings. When armband heart rate monitors popped on the scene, I was curious how accurate they could possibly be? Let’s dive in to the Polar OH1+ review and find out!

For many years, we’ve called the chest strap the gold standard for HR monitoring during activity. This is largely because it’s wildly more accurate than an optical wrist based reading. In fact, a chest strap is considered up to 99.6% accurate when used correctly, for a non-medical grade device that’s pretty good.

For years I’ve told you the Polar H9 chest strap is a great option to pair with any running watch. It’s what I still use as my default for testing watch accuracy!

But now, we have another option…the armband. So what’s the deal? Is it as accurate? Fit? Feel? I’m here to give you the goods.

You can also skip down to the Polar OH1 review, but I think this part is important!

How Optical HR Monitors Work?

Since armband technology is pretty similar to what’s on your wrist, let’s first explain what it is and then dive in to how it could be more accurate on your…

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