Pickleball Leg Cramps – Everything you need to know! — Pickleball University


The clutching pain of leg cramp in the middle of the night can be a very horrible experience and based on medical studies I am not alone in the cramping category. At least 75% of all reported leg cramps occur at night and the older you are, the more likely you are to actually experience leg cramps.

Luckily for me, I usually wake up right before the initial clenching starts, so I get the full anticipation, right before the binding pain really kicks in. After a recent cramp, I had last week, I thought I’d do a little digging on the source and solution for leg cramps. What I found is that leg cramps are a very common occurrence for athletes, especially when playing under hot conditions and heavy exertion. See for yourself how Rafa Nadal handled them right after a tough match, at a US Open press conference.

So, what causes them and how can they be avoided, that’s what I want to impart to you in this article. So, sit back and grit your teeth and prepare for cramming on leg cramps.

Lastly, before we get too deep into the cramps, I want to state that I am not a doctor and I have never played one on TV, so if you have any serious medical questions, please consult a medical professional. If you happen to play with a doctor, I recommend you save the whole copay/office visit and just…

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