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Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members!
>”,”name”:”in-content-cta”,”type”:”link”}}”>Download the app.
If you are a runner taking some downtime from higher volume training and racing—or if you plan to ramp up your efforts in a cross seasonal sport like skimo racing or cyclocross—winter is a great time to dial in your offseason nutrition.
Focusing on your performance nutrition in the offseason can give you the mental capacity to apply information to your specific challenge areas and help build a solid framework that you can work off of as your running intensity and volume increase. Offseason nutrition can also help build a foundation for your peak training and racing season.
Work on Your Foundation
Like base training, building a strong nutritional base can help as you get into the race season, when you might be short on time or tired from all of the training. Foundational nutrition skills like planning, shopping, macronutrient adjustment for training days, and…