I recently met Evgeny Korotyshkin, on a visit to the A.D.N facility in Caserta, where he currently trains.
Since joining A.D.N Swim Project (brain child of Andrea Di Nino), Evgeny has achieved outstanding results, including a a silver medal in the 100m fly last year in London.
Together with Sergej Fesikov and Anastasia Zueva, Evgeny was busy stretching when I arrived, but stopped to greet me with a Russian sounding Buongiorno, and the traditional ‘two kiss’ greeting. It appears Evgeny has fully embraced the Italian culture.
The Russian Trio then hit the pool, and began training, taking intervals out to test some of our new products. I watched as they swam effortlessly up and down the imposing 50m stretch, and couldn’t help but feel incredibly unfit…. The nearest I get to physical exercise these days is the steps leading up to my office.
Anyhow, once the guys had finished training I singled Evgeny out to ask him one or two questions. I didn’t completely ignore Sergej and Anastasia, but I will come back to ‘loves young dream’ at a later date.
So, Evgeny, what does it mean to be a professional swimmer?
“ To be a professional swimmer means to be professional in everything you do. There is no second chances,…