Find out how to make the most of this “old-fashioned” piece of equipment to improve your swimming!
A medicine ball is a very versatile means of varying, improving and making your “dry-land” swim training more effective.
Going way back into the past, 3000 years ago, the first reference to medicine balls was in Persia, when wrestlers used heavy balls filled with sand for training. In ancient Greece, the father of medicine, Hippocrates, made balls out of layers of animal skins for medical rehabilitation purposes. The name comes from a different meaning of the word “medicine” that was synonymous with health.
Frequently used for rehabilitation purposes, a medicine ball is a versatile piece of equipment that you can use for performing all kinds of different exercises. It can also be an ideal way of increasing training loads when working with young children. Generally speaking, they are the same size as a basketball (but they can be smaller/bigger) and can weigh anything from 1 to 10/12 kg.
Generally speaking, no training session involves using just a medicine ball, which is, in fact, used for performing specific exercises. It is actually frequently used for strength training, which is so important for swimming. An exercise using a medicine ball…