(Photo credit: Graphic made by Bella Munson featuring photos by Daniela Porcelli-SPP, Mike Watters-USA TODAY Sports, Cory Knowlton-USA TODAY Sports, Anne-Marie Sorvin-USA TODAY Sports)
Soccer managers wear many different hats. They must prepare training sessions, readying their teams for the rigors of a grueling season. They must incorporate tactics, design game plans, and manage the individual matches themselves. They must also manage people, and maximize the qualities of their players. Often, they are involved in the recruitment process, identifying talent and building teams. And when that’s all done, they must speak to us, the media, and talk convincingly, come victory or defeat.
It’s a difficult job, and one that hasn’t always gotten the attention it deserves in the women’s game. We at The Equalizer wanted to redress that, so we scoured the top leagues and major international competitions, and assessed every manager based on their overall achievements. What was their legacy? How many teams did they improve, or not? Did…