Murmurs From the Losers’ Bracket: The Golden Bachelor Courts Pickleball


We here at Murmurs from the Losers’ Bracket have wandered far beyond our comfort zone to watch reality TV. Specifically, The Golden Bachelor on ABC. All in the name of pickleball research.

The new season of this popular TV franchise is based on the ridiculous premise that if you release one desirable guy into a den of 20 eager women, soulmates will find each other and march off to a lifetime of marriage and commitment by the end of the broadcast season.

The twist this season is that instead of using young or middle-age adults, the “golden” bachelor is a 72-year-old widower, and the women seeking his company are in their 60s and 70s.

I guess somebody decided it was about time to show Medicare-aged people making out. We had no idea this was in such high demand.

And as for a name, it’s pretty easy to see that The Golden Bachelor sounded way better than The Enlarged Prostate Bachelor or any other age-related reference that might apply.

The casting directors have found a peachy leading man in Gerry Turner, a tall, blue-eyed, flat-stomached septuagenarian from Indiana who still has his teeth and wears the good kind of hearing aids.

Let’s face it, he’s a unicorn.

There’s nothing sexier than an older guy who still wants to hear what other people are…

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