MawonaVelo-The Golden Age of Cycling


When I wrote my last blog post about potential impact on cycling goals as we age, I was quite unprepared for the amount of engagement on social media. It has certainly been one of my most discussed posts in recent years. It’s very clear that age is no barrier to adventure, and many older riders say that they are fitter later in life than they have ever been. Possibly having extra time in retirement helps with being able to consistently ride. We all know that we can continue well into our later years, and it’s been interesting to note that whilst for some, there are a few physical issues that have featured, none have alluded to lack of energy being a problem. The speed of a journey is not the main consideration for most. It’s the ability to be out and travel at their own pace and seeing the world that’s important. Maybe our later years really are the golden age of cycling. Would you agree?

I’ve decided to keep this post simple, and let the comments speak for themselves. And in case you wondered, every single one of these comments is from a woman. We are rocking life on two wheels!


“I’m going to be 55 in April and I have no intention slowing down. I just bought a mountain bike! I rode a fantastic trail with a date yesterday on my…

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