MawonaVelo-Should we change our goals as we age?


Is there a time in our lives when we should start to adjust what we dream of doing? Or should we carry on planning big goals with the assumption that we will still be able? This is a question I’ve been asking myself recently, as I look at what big miles adventures I want to take on next.


l have reached that age when although I consider myself to be only half way through my life I am also starting to feel old! I’ve said for a long time that I hope to live until I’m 125, and in theory, thanks to advances in medical science, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t. My grandmother lived until she was 103, and her parents were well into their 90’s before they passed. The rest of my immediate family have sadly not been so lucky, so I cling onto the hope of inheriting my Nan’s longevity gene.

Inside my head, I’m still hanging around in my early 40’s. It’s true that I no longer want to hang out with 20-30 somethings particularly, and I have little interest in noisy pubs and nightclubs any more, so I did mature a bit eventually. But my brain certainly doesn’t think it’s racing towards its 60’s (I’m 56 this year). Having discovered long distance cycling in my 40’s I was a late starter, and really I didn’t start properly…

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