MawonaVelo-A Freedom Long Overdue


Do you ever stop for a minute,  look at your life and realise things have to change?

If you’re anything like me, you actually do that quite a lot.  It stems from having lived my life never completely under my own control. And this has meant that there always seems to be something missing.

A wanderlust supressed

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a pretty good life all things considered.  But soon after leaving home I got a job, and found myself with a family.  The husband, 2 kids and pets happened quickly, and for the next 20 years every personal decision I made involved being mindful to all the others in that mix.  That’s ok though, as a parent (of children, husband and animals) it’s what you sign up for.  But, and this is a big but, the underlying yearning in me is to explore. The world around me excites me, but it’s not really somewhere that I understood well. Somehow, earning a living, and everything that went with family life supressed this wanderlust, and family holidays were as far as I got.  But this feeling never went away.  My bike became the way that I satisfied the itch, as I could disappear for the odd day into the hills on my own, and just enjoy the freedom I felt for a while. With the sun on my back, and the wind in my hair, it was…

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