Jury finds Baylor University negligent, violated Title IX


WACO, Texas — Jurors found Baylor University was negligent and in violation of Title IX in a federal civil trial in which a former female student alleged having been physically abused by a football player in 2014.

Baylor alumna Dolores Lozano filed a lawsuit in 2016 claiming that the school’s admitted campus-wide failures in addressing sexual violence put her at risk for assault, and that several employees at Baylor didn’t adequately respond to her reports that then-football player Devin Chafin physically assaulted her three times in spring 2014.

“After all this time it was never about me, or just Baylor, and it was definitely never about the money,” Lozano said in an interview Tuesday. “It was about all the women across college campuses who go unheard. I want to tell them I see you, I hear you, and I’m standing for you and this was about all of us.”

Jurors delivered the verdict Tuesday afternoon after starting deliberations mid-day Monday. They awarded Lozano…

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