Today we get inside the mind of a sporting great, the one and only Thomas Lurz….
Thomas is one of the greatest open water swimmers in the world, with many shiny medals to his name… This includes a recent silver medal that he picked up last year in London, in the Olympic 10k Marathon Swim.
So, as we approach the start of the FINA 10k Marathon Swimming World Cup, we thought we could pick the brains of an expert, and delve deeper in to the world of open water swimming….
The biggest question that comes to mind for many people when thinking open water, is simply ‘why’…. Why do they do it?
We put this question to Thomas…
“I have a natural talent in swimming long distances. It’s very tough, but I really like the challenges it brings”.
On mental preparation…
“It’s enough for you to know your individual race goals, and try to reach them”.
What do you eat prior to a swim Thomas?
“Normally I try to eat a lot of carbohydrates”.
and Drink?
“Again carbohydrates, along with energy gels. Drinking is very important”.
How do you cope when the water is rough?
“Rough water is really hard, everyone feels the waves, but you just have to accept them, and get on with it”.
What is…