Improve Your Freestyle Head Position


Proper freestyle head position is crucial to your overall freestyle technique. Good head position will help you swim quickly and efficiently. One of the most common mistakes in freestyle is swimming with your head too high, which causes drag. The best way to improve freestyle head position is to focus on your form and environmental aspects of your swimming.

After reading this article, you will understand the appropriate head position to use while swimming freestyle. We will go over the role freestyle head position plays in the relationship between propulsion and drag during the different phases of your stroke cycle. Then, we will cover some common mistakes with head position and provide some training tips for you to practice. We will end with some pointers on how to optimize your environmental conditions, so they become conducive to practicing with good form.

The Fundamentals of Correct Head Position

Whether you are learning how to swim for recreation, a seasoned triathlete, or an Olympic swimmer, understanding proper freestyle head position is necessary. When you swim with the correct head position, you will move through the water more efficiently and with greater speed.

First, focus on holding your head and neck in a neutral position. As you swim,…

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