It is one of the most powerful fears (along with that of fire) that has ancient and ancestral origins and can lead to a real phobia: hydrophobia. Fear of water is limiting because it does not allow us to enjoy the benefits this element can bring to our body and our minds. Not to mention that our body is made up of 60% water, an element that accompanied us 9 months in the bun, so it should be familiar. Yet for some it is not so and even having contact with this liquid can trigger real panic attacks.
What may be the causes of hydrophobia?
One of the most common causes of water discomfort may be a trauma, usually experienced as a child. It is important to look inside yourself and analyze the origin of the fear: when it first appeared and why? Generally, the most common fear is related to the fear of drowning and going into deep waters, perhaps because you once accidentally swallowed some water (in the salty sea or swimming pool), resulting in apnea and a sense of drowning. Other times, fear can be transmitted by parents who may also suffer from it. Young people can more easily overcome it, because their brain is more moldable and responsive.
If you also have this fear, if only the thought of facing the water, taking a…