How to Eat Your Way to Your PR at the New York City Marathon


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There’s a lot to think about when it comes to running the New York City Marathon. From travel logistics to gear choices and packet pick-up, there’s enough to manage without having to stress out about your nutrition.

Luckily, when it comes to race week grub in New York City, we’ve got you covered. Having an intentional plan for the big day could save you a whole lot of headache. It could also prevent you from searching for the closest porta-potty on race day and help you nail that next marathon PR you’ve been aiming for.

Here’s how best to navigate your marathon nutrition plan to set yourself up for success come race day.

New York City Marathon Race Week Lead-Up:

Three Days Out (Thursday)

Gradual Carb Increase Begins

The taper can bring a certain fear around fueling properly during race week. Due to decreased activity, many runners think they need to restrict food intake – often carbohydrates – to be as…

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