How do USWNT players unwind during their World Cup stay?


AUCKLAND, New Zealand — The expectations surrounding the U.S. women’s national team have long been stratospheric. Anytime a major tournament takes place, it’s win or else. At the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, walking away with the trophy is the only acceptable outcome for the USWNT. Those expectations apply to coaches as well as players.

With the U.S. set to stay in New Zealand and Australia for — it is hoped — 40 days, a premium is placed on managing the accompanying stress. That means taking the brain and body away from soccer and focusing on something else, anything else, even for a few moments. So how do the players unwind? Can they unwind?

It’s been said that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop, and that seems to be the approach of the USWNT. On the surface, there seems to be no shortage of team activities. There is training, of course, but there are also meetings on teamwide, small-group and personal levels. There’s video to watch as well, be it about the U.S. or upcoming opponents. If that feels like there’s not much free time, it’s a dynamic that the players expect.

“I think people realize we’re not here on vacation,” said defender

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