Hooking Up with Weight-Inclusive Fitness Pros is a Good Look


So, let’s chat about something super important for us plus size queens navigating the fitness world. I know it can feel like a minefield out there, but things are changing, and it’s all thanks to fitness professionals who are embracing weight-inclusive fitness and the Health At Every Size® (HAES®) principles.

In case you haven’t heard of HAES®, it’s this amazing framework that started way back in the fat liberation movement of the 1960s. HAES® is the foundation of weight-inclusive fitness. It’s all about the reality that you can’t tell how healthy or unhealthy someone is just by the size of their body and it is possible to become healthier through joyful movement practices and gentle nutrition even if you don’t lose a single pound.

ASDAH, the Association for Size Diversity and Health, has been updating and rolling out new HAES® principles this past year. They’re even working on a new curriculum to train health pros on these awesome principles.

Image Source: Lindley Ashline’s Body Liberation Stock Photos

When it comes to taking care of yourself, finding the right trainer who really gets you and your body is crucial. That’s why it’s so important for us plus size gals to look for weight-inclusive, HAES®-aligned fitness pros. Weight-inclusive fitness…

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