Goalkeeper development in the women’s game


Goalkeeper development in the women’s game

Women’s soccer has come on in leaps and bounds over the last few decades. It has gone from a niche sport to one that regularly has large attendances and increasing numbers of viewers on TV. It’s not just the exposure of the sport that has seen increases, either, it’s the quality of play as well. A lot of this is due to increased investment at grassroots levels, which means that female players are gaining the ability to play the game on similar surfaces and be trained by similar coaches to male players. However, there is one area that hasn’t really been focused on to the same degree and that is goalkeepers. We’ve taken a close look at how goalkeeper development can be improved within the women’s game.

In the pro game

Dedicated goalkeeper coaches tend to be available in the professional women’s game. This means that once players turn pro, they have high-class coaching available to them, which in turn allows them to develop their skills to a higher level. This is why the professional game is growing at such a fast rate, since professional coaches are enabling female players to develop to higher standards than in the past. It’s also why you’re able to find women’s games at online sports betting sites,…

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