Get back in shape for summer 2018! A 4 week plan for beginners and advanced swimmers


Summer is getting closer as is trying to achieve a bikini body. That’s why, one of your New Year’s resolutions was (and you haven’t started yet) to get back into shape and you’ve chosen swimming as your means on getting there.

What I’m going to share with you today is a plan which has a scope of getting you started in a sufficient way in the swimming pool. The plan is a 4-week plan so it will cover the first month of your workout. There are two different plans depending on your level of preparation beforehand: beginners and advanced…The difference lays in the fact that the advanced plan has an extra workout each week and each workout is slightly longer.


Week 1

Beginners Avanced
1000m freestyle, without stopping and without timing yourself 2000m freestyle,  without stopping and without timing yourself
300m  easy swimming

200m only arms using a pull buoy

100m only legs using a board

3x200m constant aerobic swimming at a higher speed (with a 20second  pause between each)

400m easy swimming

300m only arms using a pull buoy

200m only legs using a board

100m mixed

5x200m constant aerobic swimming at an average speed (with a 20second  pause between each)

  200 easy swimming

300m freestyle breathing every 3-5 strokes alternating…

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