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Running goals and training plans are as diverse as runners themselves. But there is something all runners share: the need to warm up before a workout and minimize soreness afterward. KT Tape, which has been supporting athletes with high-performance kinesiology tape since 2008, is launching two new products this spring designed to help runners with these universal issues.
The new line consists of two magnesium cream products: ACTIVATE, which helps you prepare for a workout, and RECOVER, which provides temporary pain relief for minor aches and pains. Both creams use a formula that includes magnesium, plus arnica that creates a warming effect (ACTIVATE) or menthol for a cooling effect (RECOVER). The innovative formulations were designed to optimize pre-workout preparation and post-workout recovery. Bonus: both creams also include aloe, shea butter, and jojoba oil for healthy skin.
Pre-workout, use ACTIVATE to warm muscles, reduce stiffness, and promote flexibility. The arnica also has…