Finding my way back to blogging and my fan girl moment at the Tour Down Under –


Keira (centre of shot in blue ARA kit with pink sleeve) on the front at the TDU 2024

I’ve been a lapsed blogger for the last few months. I lost my enthusiasm, or mojo if you will and I’m still struggling to get it back. One of the reasons I think I lost my way is that I’ve focused too much on educating others, and less on sharing my opinions. So, you’ll have to indulge me while I find my way back to blogging and read about my thoughts rather than information that may help you become a better cyclist.

Last year was a tough one for me. I lost my wonderful father who succumbed to heart disease at the age of 85. I’m sure a lot of people think that’s a great age and it most certainly is, but it doesn’t stop the pain and the feeling that a yawning gulf has opened in my life and those of my close family. Dad was one of my biggest fans and often told me that he’d read my latest post.

However, I think I had started to lose my way before that happened. Dad’s death just pushed me over the edge and gave me a ‘better’ excuse for halting my regular blogging. Up until November 2022, I wrote weekly blog posts, that’s 11 years of weekly missives, with a total of around 550 posts! I rehashed many of the same topics over and over and I’m done with that…

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