Dive and tumble turn: 2 exercises to improve your push-off


Let’s see why and, above all, how to improve your push-off when diving in and tumble-turning.

As we all know, there are four different swim strokes, but over the last few years the underwater phase has come to be seen as a fifth stroke.

The exercises I am proposing today will be specifically aimed at improving your underwater phase or, in other words, strengthening your push-off: either from the wall during a tumble turn or off the starting block when diving in.

The reason for this is very simple: having the best underwater phase possible will be totally useless unless you can push off (the wall or starting block) properly. That is because pushing off hard during a tumble turn or when diving in enables you to rapidly accelerate to a fast pace.

The equation is very simple:

best push-off  

start swimming at a faster pace


less energy “wasted” in reaching top speed

For this equation to be right, a number of factors come into play: your body position determining how hydrodynamic you are and the flexibility of your movement under the water (although, as we have said, everything ultimately depends on your push-off with your legs).

There is a word that sums up perfectly what your push-off should be like: explosive. This means the main muscles…

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