Aquagym is undoubtedly the forerunner of all aquafitness courses, the first and still most practiced around the world. This said, since the 1990’s, the list has grown extensively, now including activities such as:
Aqua Building, Aqua Circuit, Aqua Dance, Aqua Gym, Aqua Pilates, Aqua Spinning, Aqua Stretching, Aqua Tonic, Aqua Training, Aqua Zumba, Aquabike, Aquaboxe, Aqua-Chi, AquaDecathlon, AquaDeep, Aquadinamic, Aquaerobic, Aquafitness, Aquaflap, Aquajocks, Aquasenior, Aquasoma, Aquastep, Aquatic Kickboxing, Aquatic Samba, Aquatic soccer, AquaticGym, Aquatic Therapy, GymDiving, Gymswim, GymTantra, Hydroaerobic, Hydro-Step, Latino Water Dance, LatinoSplash, Scubagym, Water Combat, Water Dance, Waterpower, Waterwalking, Watsu, Woga, etc. and this just to mention a few!
Exercises adopted from racing, boxing, aerobics, Pilates, Yoga, or Zumba become more harmonious when performed in the water: the very first requirement for practicing Aquafitness properly, is to find a pool that allows you gain a stable, upright position, with arms out of the water.
Aquafitness is suitable for everyone, but it is especially loved and performed by women, who practice daily, in both summer and winter. As Aquafitness provides training and preparation for other…