
Team USA Swimmer Regan Smith Talks Favorite Snacks Ahead of Olympics | News Center Maine

She said she hopes to learn more about French culture this summer at the Paris Games, starting with her love of croissants. Read more...

Lifeguard Shortage at California State Parks Reminds Swimmers to Wear Life Jackets | KCRA 3

People across Northern California enjoyed cooling off in the water on Memorial Day, whether it was at the American or Sacramento rivers, or area...

Swimmers Find Legal Loophole to Place Safety Buoys off Coney Island | CBS New York

A group of open water swimmers is concerned about boats and jet skis getting too close to shore in Brooklyn. CBS New York’s Hannah...

Local Swim School Shares Water Safety Tips | 12 On Your Side

rokur Website Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe...

Sacramento Waterways Pose Risks to Swimmers This Memorial Day. Here’s Why | CBS Sacramento

Memorial Day marks the unofficial start to summer, but Sacramento-area waterways are posing dangerous and even deadly conditions for some swimmers. Read more...
