I’ve always been a little leery of mindfulness. Not the general concept, but the broader industry that seems to have spawned innumerable charlatans hawking everything from meditation apps, to glitzy yoga retreats, to self-help literature that mostly reminds you of stuff you already know. It sometimes feels like mindfulness is just about repackaging the obvious. On the other hand, just because something is glaringly self-evident doesn’t mean it’s always easy to remember. As George Orwell famously wrote: “To see what is in front of one’s nose requires a constant struggle.” Everyone knows that part of the quote, but the succeeding lines are less frequently cited: “One thing that helps toward it is to keep a diary, or, at any rate, to keep some kind of record of one’s opinions about important events. Otherwise, when some particularly absurd belief is exploded by events, one may simply forget that one ever held it. ” Orwell was referring primarily to the political realm, as he believed that people were less likely to engage in self-delusion when it came to their private lives. I’m not sure that that is…
Can the Bullet Journal Increase Mindfulness?