Ready to run an ultramarathon? Intrigued, but terrified? Ultra running might sound intimidating, but with a little preparation and the right mindset, it’s completely doable, and dare we say it can even be fun! We chatted with a long time ultra running coach to bust some myths and get you excited.
To help break it all down, we spoke with ultra running coach and veteran trail runner Randi Orm on the Tread Lightly Podcast which you’ll find below. Since ultra running is becoming more and more popular, we wanted to provide some high-level notes for those interested but may not have 30 minutes to listen to the full episode.
Coach Randi Orm shared her journey, her love of the sport, and some incredible insights for anyone looking to try their first ultra marathon. Checkout the complete podcast below for all the insights.
What is Ultra Running?
Simply put, an ultra marathon is any race longer than 26.2 miles. The most common distances are 50K, 50 miles, 100K, and 100 miles.
But no two ultras are the same. Some races are flat and fast, while others are steep and technical, with mountain climbs or desert heat to contend with.
For many runners, the variety and the challenge are what makes ultra running so exciting. Each race is a chance to take on a new challenge,…