The butterfly is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most energy-sapping stroke.
You consume twice as many (kilo)calories swimming the butterfly than swimming freestyle.
For this reason and because of the symmetry of arm movement required when performing this stroke and the large muscle groups involved, the butterfly is often used for developing strength, even when the swimmer is not trying to target any specific result in this stroke. Two types of strength can be developed using the drills I am proposing here: maximum strength and endurance strength.
As regards the former, the drills are to be performed at maximum arm speed and maximum thrust:
– 4/5 pull-ups using the edge of the pool + 12.5/15m butterfly; repeat 6-8 times with a recover of between 45”and 1’.
– 15m butterfly sprints wearing a scuba diving belt (5kg); repeat 4-6 times with 1’ recovery.
– 15m butterfly sprints with paddles, freestyle legs and your head above the water; recovery of between 45” and 1’.
– Swim butterfly using paddles in 25m reps with your feet tied together, average intensity and powerful arm acceleration from when your arms are level with your stomach until the thrust phase is fully completed. Repeat this drill 8 times with a recovery of between 25” and…