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Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members!
>”,”name”:”in-content-cta”,”type”:”link”}}”>Download the app.
Stamina, strength, mobility, and mindset fuel your running longevity. All of these hard-earned abilities, however, rely on their foundation’s integrity: your bones.
Stress fractures and low bone density are both major bone health issues that sideline runners. Approximately 25 percent of female runners experience stress fractures; by the age of 50, 54 percent of the U.S. adult population is diagnosed with low bone density.
Although bone health declines with age, your intentional inclusion of bone health in every decade adds up. Bone is like a retirement account. Your bone health investments accumulate until your early 30s. After that, your nutrition and exercise choices slow the rate of withdrawal.
Just as retirement account strategies change over time, bone health is not a one-size-fits-all approach; nutrition and exercise guidelines vary by lifespan stage.