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Resting HR for Runners | Is My HR Too Low?

As runners, we love data. Our watches and trackers now provide a plethora of info from pace to sleep to cadence and the list...

9 Must Do Training Tips for Older Runners (From a Run Coach)

It’s easy to tell yourself that you’re too old to start running. Heck, 20-year-olds find themselves thinking that after that first surprisingly hard mile,...

Best Running Shoes for Shin Splints + 6 Tips to Prevent It

Best Running Shoes for Shin Splints + 6 Tips to Prevent It ...

How to Train for a 5K (According to a Running Coach)

How long will it take to get ready for my first 5K? How long do I need to train for my first 5K? HOW do...

5 Best Knee Braces for Running in 2023 (+ What to Consider)

A knee brace for running can be a helpful tool for runners, providing support and stability to the knee joint and helping to prevent...
