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Tips from a Running Coach

One of the best trends I’ve seen in my many years as a running coach is the trend towards more and more athletes running...

Running Pain vs Discomfort: The Runner’s Dilemma

Have you ever wondered if a twinge was just a normal part of running or a sign of an impending injury? Distance running is inherently...

Running Pain vs Discomfort: The Runner’s Dilemma

Have you ever wondered if a twinge was just a normal part of running or a sign of an impending injury? Distance running is inherently...

How to Start Trail Running? 19 Useful Trail Running Tips

One of the best things about running is we always have the opportunity for a new challenge. For me, learning how to start trail...

How to Get the Best Marathon Pace

We’ve all heard of marathon pace, and seen numerous marathon pace charts, but how do you achieve your personal goal marathon pace? What exactly are...
