Anna Leigh Waters and Leigh Waters Tell All


Our latest guest to the Picklepod needs no introduction, but we’ll do one anyway.

She’s the world’s No. 1 female pro pickleball player, with almost 100 PPA Tour Gold Medals, and she’s only 17 years old. Our guest is Anna Leigh Waters. She is joined by her mother, Leigh Waters, a decorated professional pickleball player in her own right and one of the best coaches in the sport.

Zane Navratil and Thomas Shields sit down with the pair to discover some insane fan stories and learn about the pressure of being (and coaching) the No. 1 pickleball player in the world.

Among the many topics discussed …

How ALW Handles the Pressure of Being No. 1 

Most people at age 17 are worried about grades, friends, and why their parents still listen to old people’s music. Anna Leigh Waters has to deal with those things and the pressure of being the No. 1 player in the world. How does she do it?

Also, how does Leigh Waters deal with being her mother and coach?

Creepers Be Creeping

ALW isn’t quite up to Beatles status when it comes to thousands of fans waiting for her at airports, but she does run into a random stranger who recognizes her. Unfortunately, some of these people can be a bit creepy. 


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