A Day in the Life of a College Gymnast: Academic Responsibilities


We are all sad to see the summer go, our tans fade, and the beach disappear from eyesight but this new chapter of the year is going to be even more exciting. 

Back to school is in full swing, and while this is a joyful time, regardless of whether this is your first or fifth year as an NCAA athlete, this transition back to campus is a lot to take in. 

Although gymnastics may be on the forefront of everyone’s minds as they get to campus with the first day of practice or get their long-awaited gear, you also have the responsibilities of the “student” part of being a student-athlete. Oftentimes, this aspect, unfortunately, gets overshadowed, and people on the outside forget you still have academic responsibilities on top of practicing 20 hours a week and eventually competing each weekend. 

As gymnasts, one of the main things you learn from a very young age is to be disciplined and how to manage your time. Before you were an NCAA gymnast, you were also a high-schooler, a middle-schooler and a really young high-level athlete that had an enormous amount of pressure placed on them. From getting out of school, eating dinner in the car, practicing each night, getting home and doing homework, and then doing it all over again was the life most gymnasts lived for a majority…

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